Smile Gallery – Lakewood, CO

Beautiful Smiles From Satisfied Dental Patients

Providing our dental patients with healthy, beautiful smiles is our goal. This is why we work closely with each individual to listen to their concerns and desires while creating a personalized treatment plan that exceeds their expectations. In the images below, you will see some of our satisfied dental patients showing off their new and improved smiles, which is exactly what we want to accomplish for you!

BeforeDamaged and decayed smile before cosmetic dentistry
AfterFlawless healthy smile after cosmetic dentistry
BeforeCloseup of severely decayed and damaged smile before cosmetic dentistry
AfterCloseup of flawless healthy smile after cosmetic dentistry
BeforeDiscolored smile before teeth whitening
AfterBright smile after teeth whitening
BeforeSmile with broken top front tooth
AfterSmile with repaired top front tooth
BeforeSmile with damaged and decayed top front teeth
AfterSmile after damaged and decayed top front teeth are repaired
BeforeMisaligned smile during dental treatment
AfterAligned healthy smile after dental treatment
BeforeSmile with missing top tooth
AfterSmile with replaced top tooth
BeforeSmile with missing canine teeth
AfterSmile with replaced canine teeth
BeforeSmile with chipped top front teeth
AfterSmile after top front teeth are repaired
BeforeSmile with smaller top tooth
AfterSmile after top tooth is built up to the same size as a regular tooth
BeforeSmile with unevenly spaced teeth
AfterSmile after teeth are evenly spaced
BeforeCrooked teeth before orthodontics
AfterAligned smile after orthodontics
BeforeCloseup of crooked teeth before orthodontics
AfterCloseup of aligned smile after orthodontics
BeforeSmile with braces
AfterSmile after braces
BeforeClosuep of smile with severely misaligned teeth
AfterCloseup of smile after teeth are aligned
BeforeCloseup of bottom teeth with severe misalignment
AfterCloseup of bottom teeth after alignment is corrected
BeforeSmile with large gaps between top teeth
AfterSmile after gaps between top teeth are closed
BeforeSmile with crooked and overlapping teeth
AfterSmile with healthy aligned teeth
BeforeCloseup of smile with large gaps between top front teeth
AfterCloseup of smile after gaps between top front teeth are closed